Grade 9 Retention Profile
Jump to: Source and cohort information about this data.
1,665 / 13,674
El Paso
Grade 9 Retention Rate
31,580 / 420,215
Grade 9 Retention Rate
Texas Grade 9 Retention Rates Decreasing Over Last Ten Years
Disparities Exist in Grade 9 Retention by Household Income
Disparities in Grade 9 Retention by Household Income Have Been Reduced but Progress is Stalling
Grade 9 Retention Varies by Race
Disparities in Dropouts by Race Persist Over Time
Digging Deeper: Income, Gender, and Race Play a Role in Grade 9 Retention Rates
Grade 9 Retention Rate, 2022
About this data:
E3 Alliance relies primarily on data from the University of Texas Education Research Center (ERC). This data allows for a longitudinal understanding of grade 9 retention based on where and when a student attends high school. This data pertains to first-time grade 9 students who were enrolled within the state of Texas during their grade 9 year and the following school year.
Following are items to note:
The year of the data represents the year when students were in grade 9. A student is defined as having been retained in grade 9 if the student is still enrolled in grade 9 in the fall following their first-time grade 9 school year. There is a delay in data availability due to state approval within the ERC and analysis time. As such, if you choose to explore data from Central Texas, the graphs below present grade 9 retention data in the most recent available year in Texas schools.
Outcomes that reference data from 2021, 2022, or 2023 do not include San Marcos CISD, due to a data discrepancy.