Attendance Profile: San Antonio & El Paso

Attendance Profile data for
San Antonio & El Paso.


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Attendance Profile

Research shows that when education systems, families, communities, and students work together to ensure schools are engaging and welcoming spaces; students stay engaged and absences are reduced. Research also shows that when students attend schools regularly, they have better long- and short-term educational outcomes. As Texas emerges from the pandemic, chronic absence and average absence rates continue to be higher than pre-pandemic rates and preliminary analyses suggest that regular attendance continues to be strongly associated with better short-term academic outcomes for students.

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120,245 / 482,433

San Antonio

Chronic Absence Rate


41,928 / 175,824

El Paso

Chronic Absence Rate

Average Days Absent Lowest in Middle Grades, Highest for Pre-K

Chronic Absence Rates Lowest in Middle Grades, Highest for Pre-K

Texas Middle Schools Had the Lowest Number of Average Days Absent

Chronic Absence Rate Stable for Past Ten Years Until Covid-19 Impact

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Disparities Exist in Chronic Absenteeism by Household Income

Disparities in Chronic Absenteeism by Household Income at Highest Level in Decade

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Chronic Absenteeism Varies by Race

Disparities in Chronic Absenteeism by Race at Highest Level in Decade

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Digging Deeper: Gender, Income, and Race Play a Role in Chronic Absenteeism

Chronic Absence Rates, 2023

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Target Name: San Antonio | Target: SAN

Economic Status



Target Name: San Antonio | Target: SAN

Economic Status



Target Name: San Antonio | Target: SAN

Economic Status

